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Publicaciones Dr. Santiago Gaviria-Melo         Publicaciones Dr. Elisabeth Gaviria
Publicaciones Dr. Santiago Gaviria-Melo

• Área taxonomía, faunística y biodiversidad

2022: Description of a new species of Kovalevskiella (Ostracoda, Limnocytheridae, Timiriaseviinae) from groundwater of the Danube River in Austria. Crustaceana 95 (4): 405-419. (Gaviria, S.).

2022: Phylogeny of the freshwater Canthocamptidae (Crustacea, Copepoda, Harpacticoida) of the Palearctic including Lake Baikal: advances in molecular taxonomy of selected Austria species. Extended abstract. Austrian Barcode of Life (ABOL) meeting. Acta ZooBot Austria 158: 191-194. (Gaviria Melo, S., E. Fefilova & E. Kochanova).

2021: A new species of Maraenobiotus Mrázek, 1893 (Copepoda: Harpacticoida: Canthocamptidae) from Colombian Andean mosses, with an identification key for the American species. Zootaxa (Gaviria, S. & D. Defaye).

2019: A new species of Bestiolina (Crustacea, Copepoda, Calanoida, Paracalanidae) from coastal waters of the Colombian Pacific, including a worldwide key for the dentification of the species. Zookeys 846: 1-18. (Dorado-Roncancio, J., S. Gaviria, L. Bernal-De la Torre & M. Ahrens).

2019: Continental copepods (Crustacea: Hexanauplia) of Colombia: revision and additions to the inventory. Biota Colombiana 20 (1): 50-74. (Gaviria, S. & N. Aranguren-Riaño).

2019: Revisión y actualización de la lista de copépodos (Crustacea: Hexanauplia) del Caribe colombiano. / Revision and update of the checklist of copepods (Crustacea: Hexanauplia) of the Colombian Caribbean. Bol. Inv. Mar. Cost. 48 (1) 119-151. (Gaviria, S., J. Dorado-Roncancio & M. Ahrens).

2018: Integrative taxonomy of the freshwater harpacticoid Attheyella crassa G.O. Sars, 1863 (Crustacea: Copepoda: Canthocamptidae) in the Palearctic region. Invertebrate Zoology 15 (3): 267-276. (Kochanova, E. & S. Gaviria)

2017: Gaviria, S. (2017): Crustacea: Ostracoda, 11 pp. In Moog, O. & A. Hartmann (Eds.): Fauna Aquatica Austriaca, Catalogue for autoecological classification of Austrian aquatic organisms, 3. Edition 2017. BMLFUW, Vienna (extracted from online FAA_ 2017:
http://www.ecoprof.at/index.php/faunaaquaticaaustriaca.html (Gaviria S.).

2017: Crustacea: Copepoda: Harpacticoida, 7 pp.. In Moog, O. & A. Hartmann (Eds.): Fauna Aquatica Austriaca, Catalogue for autoecological classification of Austrian aquatic organisms, 3. Edition 2017. BMLFUW , Vienna (extracted from online FAA_ 2017:
http://www.ecoprof.at/index.php/faunaaquaticaaustriaca.html (Gaviria S. & A. Fuchs).

2017: Crustacea: Copepoda: Cyclopoida, 7 pp.. In Moog, O. & A. Hartmann (Eds.): Fauna Aquatica Austriaca, Catalogue for autoecological classification of Austrian aquatic organisms, 3. Edition 2017. BMLFUW , Vienna (extracted from online FAA_ 2017:
http://www.ecoprof.at/index.php/faunaaquaticaaustriaca.html (Gaviria S., A. Fuchs, A. Herzig, P. Pospisil & L. Forró).

2017: Crustacea: Copepoda: Calanoida. 3pp. In Moog, O. & A. Hartmann (Eds.): Fauna Aquatica Austriaca, Catalogue for autoecological classification of Austrian aquatic organisms, 3. Edition 2017. BMLFUW, Vienna (extracted from online FAA_ 2017:
http://www.ecoprof.at/index.php/faunaaquaticaaustriaca.html (Gaviria S., A. Herzig & L. Forró).

2017: Crustacea: Branchiopoda (Cladocera), 16 pp. In Moog, O. & A. Hartmann (Eds.): Fauna Aquatica Austriaca, Catalogue for autoecological classification of Austrian aquatic organisms , 3. Edition 2017. BMLFUW, Vienna (extracted from online FAA_ 2017: http://www.ecoprof.at/index.php/faunaaquaticaaustriaca.html (Gaviria S., L. Forró, C.D. Jersabek & R. Schabetsberger).

2017: A new species of Moraria (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Canthocamptidae) from groundwaters of Germany, including a key for the identification of the species of the western Palearctic region.. Crustaceana 90 (13): 1537-1561 (Gaviria S. & D. Defaye).

2017: Errata for: "Two new parastenocaridid genera (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) from South America, including a revision of Noodt's columbiensis-group and the redescription of Parastenocaris tapajoensis Noodt, 1963". Crustaceana 90 (6) 765-766 (Gaviria S., D. Defaye & P.H.C. Corgosinho).

2017: Two new parastenocaridid genera (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) from South America, including a revision of Noodt's columbiensis-group and the redescription of Parastenocaris tapajoensis Noodt, 1963. Crustaceana 90 (5): 535-570 (Gaviria S., D. Defaye & P. H. C. Corgosinho).

2015: Description of Elaphoidella paramuna n.sp. (Canthocamptidae), a new harpacticoid copepod from Colombia. Crustaceana 88 (9): 1003-1029. (Gaviria S. & D. Defaye).

2015: Novità faunistiche (Crustacea, Copepoda) da un ambiente salmastro costiero del Golfo di Taranto. Thalassia Salentina (Italy) 37 (2015), 3-10. ISSN 0563-3745, e-ISSN 1591-0725, DOI 10.1285/i15910725v37p3 (A. P. Ariani, K. J. Wittmann, S. Gaviria) (Faunistic novelty (Crustacea, Copepoda) of a coastal brackish environment of the Gulf of Taranto.)

2014: Crustacea: Ostracoda. In Moog O., Hartmann A., Schmidt-Kloiber A., Vogl R., Koller-Kreimel V. (ed.) (2014): ECOPROF - Version 4.0. Software zur Bewertung des ökologischen Zustandes von Fließgewässern nach WRRL. Ostracoda - Taxaliste Österreich.
(Software for evaluation of the ecological state of running waters after the European Water Framework Directive. Ostracoda - Taxonomic list of Austria)

2012: A new species of Attheyella (Canthosella) from Colombia and redescription of Attheyella (Delachauxiella) freyi (Copepoda: Harpacticoida: Canthocamptidae). - Zootaxa 3179: 1-38 (S. Gaviria & D. Defaye)

2010: Eurycercus (Bullatifrons) norandinus (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Eurycercidae), a new species of Cladocera in the Neotropical Region. - Zootaxa 2550 : 58-68 (Aranguren, N., D. Monroy & S. Gaviria)

2008: Heinz Löffler 1927-2006.- Monoculus (Newsletter World Assoc. of Copepodologists) 55: 7-9.

2007: Free-living species of the subclass Copepoda (Arthropoda, Crustacea) from continental waters of Colombia.- Biota Colombiana 8(1): 53-68 (Gaviria S. & N. Aranguren)

2005: Checklist and distribution of cladocerans and leptodorans (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) from Austria.- Ann. Nat. hist. Mus. Wien 106 B: 145-216 (Gaviria Melo S., L. Forró, C.D. Jersabek & R. Schabetsberger)

2004: Los crustáceos planctónicos del Lago de Tota, Bojacá, Colombia.- Ciencia y Tecnología (Rev. Fac. de Ciencas, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, UPTC) 1(2): 64-81 (Monroy G., D., N. Aranguren R. & S. Gaviria Melo).
(The planktonic crustaceans of the "Lago de Tota", Bojacá, Colombia)

2000: Morphological characterization of new populations of the copepod Eurytemora velox (Lilljeborg, 1853) (Calanoida, Temoridae) found in Austria and Hungary.- Hydrobiologia 438: 205-216. (Gaviria S. & L. Forró)

1998: Checklist and distribution of the free-living copepods (Arthropoda, Crustacea) of Austria.- Ann. Nat. Hist. Mus. Wien 100 B: 539-594.

1994: Los copépodos (Arthropoda, Crustacea) de vida libre de las aguas continentales de Colombia.- Rev. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. Exact. Fis. & Nat. 19 (73): 361-385.
(Free-living copepods (Arthropoda, Crustacea) of the continental waters of Colombia)

1993: Zwei Canthocamptidae (Crustacea, Copepoda, Harpacticoida) aus kolumbianischen Anden-Gewässern.- Ann. Nat. Hist. Mus. Wien 94/95: 361-375.
(Two Canthocamptidae (Crustacea, Copepoda, Harpacticoida) from Colombian Andean water-bodies)

1989: The Calanoid Fauna (Crustacea, Copepoda) of the Cordillera Oriental of the Colombian Andes.- Hydrobiologia 178(2): 113-134.

1988: Calanoida und Cyclopoida (Crustacea, Copepoda) der Cordillera Oriental der kolumbianischen Anden mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Taxonomie, Ökologie und geographischen Verbreitung.- Diss. Univ. Wien, 213 pp.
(Calanoida and Cyclopoida (Crustacea, Copepoda) of the Cordillera Oriental of the Colombian Andes with emphasis on their taxonomy, ecology and geographical distribution).

• Área ecología acuática y protección ambiental

2023: Inventory of a world hotspot of groundwater fauna biodiversity - the Lobau wetland and the Danube Floodplain National Park (Austria) revisited. Acta ZooBot 159: 21-65. (Griebler, C., C. Karwautz, G. Rasch, L. Fillinger, R. Veits, R. Junker, S. Gaviria & 10 other authors)

2012: On the brink − investigating biodiversity in endangered crater lakes of the Amber Mountains National Park (Madagascar). - Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. Published online in Wiley Online Library (onlinelibrary.wiley.com), 16 pp. (Schabetsberger, R., R. Kaiser, E. Rot, R. Lenzenweger, W. Traunspurger, A. A. Kotov, F. Fiers, S. Gaviria, C. Meish, S. Mahunka, R. D. Campbell, E. Razafindranaivo & M. Sztatecsny)

2008: Cambios en la estructura de la población de Boeckella gracilis (Crustacea, Copepoda) en el plancton del Lago de Tota, Boyacá, Colombia.- Acta Biológica Colombiana 13(2):61-72 (Bogotá) (Gonzalez, A., N. Aranguren & S. Gaviria).
(Changes in the population structure of Boeckella gracilis (Crustacea, Copepoda) in the plankton of Lago de Tota, Boyacá, Colombia)

2005: Copépodos planctónicos del complejo cenagoso de Malambó (Antlántico, Colombia) y su relación con algunos factores físicos y químicos del agua.- Revista Dugandia, Nueva Época (Baranquilla) 1 (2): 17-39. (Atencio, L., L. Gutierrez & S. Gaviria).
(Planktonic copepods of the "Complejo Cenagoso de Malambó" (Atlántico, Colombia) and their relationship with some physical and chemical factors of the water)

2004: Dinámica de la comunidad zooplanctónica (excepto Protozoa) de la Laguna del Parque Norte, Medellín, Colombia.- Actualidades Biológicas (Medellín) 26 (81): 231-241 (Gallo-Sánchez, L.J., S. Gaviria-Melo & J. J. Ramirez-Restrepo).
(Dynamics of the zooplankton community (except Protozoa) of the "Laguna del Parque Norte", Medellín, Colombia)

2003: Caracterización física, química y estructura de la comunidad zooplanctónica de un pequeño lago tropical, Lago Santander (Rionegro, Colombia).- Caldasia (Rev. Inst. Cienc. Nat., Mus. Hist. Nat., Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá) 25 (2): 355-380 (Jaramillo, J.C. & S. Gaviria).
(Physical and chemical characterization and structure of the zooplankton community of a small Andean tropical lake, Lago Santander (Rionegro, Antioquia, Colombia)

1998: Colonisation of a man-made river (Marchfeld Canal, Lower Austria) by benthic copepods.- J. Mar. Systems 441: 127-134.

1998: A natural stream created by human engineering: investigations on the succession of the Marchfeld Canal in Austria.- Reg. Rivers: Res. Magmt. 14: 119-139. (Ernegger, T., H. Grubinger, E. Vitek, C. Csekits, J. Eitzinger, S. Gaviria, D. Kotek, H. Krisa, H.-P. Nachtnebel, B. Pritz, T. Sabbas, S. Schmutz, P. Schreiner, U. Stephan, G. Unfer, U. Wychera & W. Neudorfer)

1997: Hochwassersimulation im Marchfeldkanal: Auswirkungen auf abiotische Faktoren und Lebensgemeinschaften.- Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, 49(1/2): 25-34 (Schreiner, P., T. Sabbas, D. Kotek, S. Gaviria, H. Krisa, B. Pritz, U. Wychera, H.P. Kollar & W. Neudorfer).
(Flood simulation in the Marchfeld Canal: Effects on abiotic factors and biocenosis)

1993: Crustacean plankton of a high altitude tropical lake: Laguna de Chingaza, Colombia.- Internat. Verh. Verein Limnol. 25: 906-911.

1991: Monitoreo de Embalses del Sistema de Acueducto de Bogotá.- Rev. ACODAL, Bogotá 147: 29-47.
(Monitoring of the reservoirs of the water-supply system of Bogotá)

1984: Evaluación limnológica inicial del Embalse de Chuza, Páramo de Chingaza.- Rev. ACODAL 119, Bogotá: 1-48.
(Initial limnological evaluation of the Chuza Reservoir, Páramo de Chingaza).

1983: Estudio de la calidad del agua del Río Bogotá aguas arriba de Tibitó.- Rev. ACODAL (Rev. Asociación Colombiana de Ingenieros Sanitarios y Ambientales), Bogotá 108: 50-71 (Gaviria S. & C. Rodriguez)
(Study of the water quality of the Bogotá River uptream Tibitó).

• Libros (capítulos)

2022: El ensamble zooplanctónico: 471-512. En Roldán Pérez, G. & J.J. Ramírez Restrepo (eds.) Fundamentos de Limnología Neotropical, 3a ed. Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Colección Julio Carrizosa Valenzuela Nr. 18, Bogotá.(2022) (Alvarez-Silva, J.P., C. Andrade-Sossa, N. Aranguren-Riaño, S. Gaviria-Melo & S. Villabona-González)
(Zooplancton assemblages: 471-512. In Roldán Pérez, G. & J.J. Ramírez Restrepo (eds.) Fundaments of Neotropical Limnology)

2009: Aquatische Crustacea, Crustacea (Krebstiere): 386-398. In: Rabitsch, W. & F. Essl (Hrsg.): Endemiten - Kostbarkeiten in Österreichs Pflanzen- und Tierwelt.- Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Kärnten und Umweltbundesamt GmbH, Klagenfurt & Wien (Gaviria S. & P. Pospisil)
(Aquatic Crustacean. In: Rabitsch, W. & F. Essl (eds.): Endemites - Preciousities in the Austrian plant and animal world)

2003: Crustacea: Cladocera.- Part III, 17 pp. In: Moog, O. (ed.): Fauna Aquatica Austriaca, Catalogue for autoecological classification of Austrian aquatic organisms, Edition 2002.- Wasserwirtschaftskataster, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Division of Water Policy, Vienna (also www.wassernet.at) (Gaviria, S., L. Forró, C. Jersabek & R. Schabetsberger)

2003: Crustacea: Copepoda: Calanoida.- Part III, 3 pp. In: Moog, O. (ed.): Fauna Aquatica Austriaca, Catalogue for autoecological classification of Austrian aquatic organisms, Edition 2002.- Wasserwirtschaftskataster, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Division of Water Policy, Vienna (also www.wassernet.at) (Gaviria, S., A. Herzig & L. Forró)

2003: Crustacea: Copepoda: Cyclopoida.- Part III, 6 pp. In: Moog, O. (ed.): Fauna Aquatica Austriaca, Catalogue for autoecological classification of Austrian aquatic organisms, Edition 2002.- Wasserwirtschaftskataster, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Division of Water Policy, Vienna (also www.wassernet.at) (Gaviria, S., A. Herzig, P. Pospisil & L. Forró)

2003: Crustacea: Copepoda: Harpacticoida.- Part III, 5 pp. In: Moog, O. (ed.): Fauna Aquatica Austriaca, Catalogue for autoecological classification of Austrian aquatic organisms, Edition 2002.- Wasserwirtschaftskataster, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Division of Water Policy, Vienna (also www.wassernet.at) (Gaviria, S., V. Kowarc & A. Fuchs)

2002: Krebstiere: Wasserflöhe und Ruderfußkrebse (Crustacea: Cladocera und Copepoda): 263-268. In: Essl F. & W. Rabitsch (Hrg.): Neobiota in Österreich.- Schriftenreihe des Umweltbundesamtes, Wien.
(Crustaceans: Waterfleas and copepods (Crustacea: Cladocera and Copepoda). In: Essl F. & W. Rabitsch (eds.): Neobiota in Austria)

1999: Zooplankton: 33-35 und 88-102. In: Schmidt-Kloiber, A., O. Moog & W. Graf (Hrg.): Biozönotische Charakteristik und naturräumliche Bewertung der linksufrigen Donau-Auen des Tullner Beckens auf Basis makrozoobenthischer Indikatoren.- Gießgang Greifenstein Makrozoobenthos.- Forschung in Verbund, Schriftenreihe Band 50, Wien (S. Gaviria & L. Forró)
(Zooplankton. In: Schmidt-Kloiber, A., O. Moog & W. Graf (eds.): Biocenotic characterization and natural habitat validation of the left shore backwaters of the Tulln basin, based on makrozoobenthic indicators)

1993: Aspectos limnológicos de las lagunas de Chingaza: 189-205. En: Andrade G. (ed.): Carpanta: Ecología y conservación de un ecosistema altoandino.- Fundación Natura, Colombia/The Nature Conservancy/E.A.A.B., Bogotá
(Limnological aspects of the lakes of Chingaza. In: Andrade G. (ed.): Carpanta: Ecology and conservation of a high-mountain Andean ecosystem)

1992: Situación de la limnología en Colombia y sus perspectivas: 61-75. En: Toja, Julia (Coordinadora, Universidad de Sevilla): Primer Encuentro de Limnólogos Iberamericanos, Sevilla (España), agosto de 1992. (Memorias sin publicar)
(Situation of the limnology in Colombia and its perspectives. In: Toja, Julia (Coordinator, University of Sevilla): First Meeting of the Iberamerican limnologists)

1984: Método del oxígeno disuelto para determinar productividad primaria in situ y en incubador. 221-224. En: Bahamonde, N. & S. Cabrera (eds.): Embalses - Fotosintesis y Productividad Primaria, MaB/UNESCO-Workshop, Universidad de Chile (Dokulil, M., E. Garcia, R. Peñalosa, S. Gaviria & A. De la Maza)
(Method of dissolved oxygen to determine primary productivity in situ and in incubator: 221-224. In: Bahamonde, N. & S. Cabrera (eds.): Water Reservoirs - Photosynthesis and Primary Productivity)

• Estudios

2006: Einfluss der Staustufe Freudenau auf die Zusammensetzung und Abundanz der benthischen Mikrocrustaceen (Copepoda, Ostracoda, Branchiopoda-Cladocera) der Donau bei Wien.- Bericht Universität für Bodenkultur, Dep. für Wasser, Atmosphäre, Umwelt. 32 pp. Studie gefördert von der Hydro-Power AG (Verbund).
(Influence of Freudenau's dam on the composition and abundance of the benthic microcrustaceans (Copepoda, Ostracoda, Branchiopoda-Cladocera) of the Danube River at Vienna)

2004: Die Oligochaeten-Fauna des Potamals ausgewählter Fließgewässer Luxemburgs.- Bericht für K. Groh, Hackenheim, Deutschland), 24 pp. Im Auftrag des Naturhistorischen Museums Luxemburg (S. Gaviria & E. Gaviria).
(The oligochaete fauna of the potamal area of selected running waters of Luxembourg)

1994: Die Sukzessionen der Evertebraten im Marchfeldkanal.- Bericht Projekt FWF Nr. 6405 Bio 'Limnologische Untersuchungen des Marchfeldkanals und des anschließenden Rußbachabschnittes', 31 pp.
(Successions of invertebrates in the Marchfeld Canal.- Report Project FWF Nr. 6405 Bio 'Limnological evaluation of the Marchfeld Canal and the connected Rußbach-section')

1983: Embalses y lagunas estudiadas por la E.A.A.B. - Informe interno Lab. Central, Empresa de Acueducto y Alcantarillado de Bogotá, 17 pp.
(Water reservoirs and lakes studied by the E.A.A.B. - Internal report Central Lab., Water Supply and Water Disposal Authorities of Bogotá)

Publicaciones Dr. Elisabeth Gaviria

2004: Die Oligochaeten-Fauna des Potamals ausgewählter Fließgewässer Luxemburgs.- Bericht für K. Groh, Hackenheim, Deutschland), 24 pp. Im Auftrag des Naturhistorischen Museums Luxemburg (S. Gaviria & E. Gaviria).
(The oligochaete fauna of the potamal area of selected running waters of Luxembourg)

2002: Die Zoobenthos- u. Oligochaetenverteilung in 3 Gewässern der Orther Donauauen (Niederösterreich).- Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Österreich 139: 11-23 (Tscherkassova, M., E. Gaviria & A. Gall)
(The distribution of zoobenthos and oligochaetes in 3 waterbodies of the backwaters of Danube near Orth)

1998: Versuch einer Charakterisierung der Augewässer der Regelsbrunner Au (Niederösterreich) anhand ihrer Oligochaetenfauna.- Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Österreich 135: 61-79 (Gaviria, E., U. Hager, M. Schmalwieser & A. Tietz).
(An attempt to characterize backwaters at Regelsbrunn (Lower Austria) based on their oligochaete fauna)

1997: Benthische und epiphytische Evertebratenfauna in ausgewählten Gewässern der Regelsbrunner Au (Niederösterreich) mit unterschiedlicher hydrologischer Dynamik.- Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Österreich 134: 1 - 18 (B. Gatscher, E. Gaviria, S. Ölzant, H. Ruzicka & E. Weigand).
(Benthic and epibenthic evertebrate fauna of selected backwaters at Regelsbrunn (Lower Austria) with different hydrological dynamics)

1996: Substratbeschaffenheit, Zoobenthos und Oligochaetenverteilung in zwei Altarmen des Regelsbrunner Ausystems.- Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Österreich 133: 217 - 233 (M. Gansterer, E. Gaviria, S. Moser, G. Pointner, E. Traunmüller & J. Zika).
(Substrate texture, zoobenthos and oligochaete distribution in two backwaters at Regelsbrunn)

1996: Die Oligochaetenbesiedlung im Regelsbrunner Altarm und ihre Abhängigkeit von ausgewählten abiotischen Parametern.- Linzer biol. Beitr. 28/2: 967-977.
(Oligochaete colonization in backwaters at Regelsbrunn and its dependence from selected abiotic parameters)

1993: Claves para las especies Colombianas de las familias Naididae y Tubificidae (Oligochaeta, Annelida).- Caldasia 17 (2): 237 - 248.
(Identification keys for the Colombian species of the families Naididae and Tubificidae (Oligochaeta, Annelida))

1987: Untersuchung der Oligochaeten im Stauraum Altenwörth.- Wiss. Kurzreferat, 26. Arbeitstagung der I.A.D., Passau/Deutschland: 432 - 438.
(Studies on the oligochaetes of the Danube reservoir Altenwörth)

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